
To the rescue

April 28, 2019

To the rescue!


Its been a while since we last wrote a post for our blog. In fact, this is the first one since we changed the website earlier this year. We really must get around to writing more posts!

A couple of interesting things have happened in the last month that have prompted us to put pen to paper (so to speak) and we thought’s I’d share them with the world. We’re just going to deal with one of them right now, and although it’s the most recent event, it’s also perhaps the most time critical so here goes.

Last week we received a call after somebody had looked at our website. The caller was a relatively local chap, who was selling his house. He’d signed with an independent estate agent to market his house for him. He wasn’t very happy with the photographs that the agent had taken, however, and thought that they needed to be improved upon. The guy was a graphic designer and so had some idea what he was walking about and so we took a look at the existing photos and agreed that they did fall short of what we’d expect them to be.

To the rescue-13To the rescue-13

He called us on Tuesday, and we arranged the shoot for Thursday morning. It’s often the case with property marketing photography that timescales are very tight, as everybody wants the property online as soon as possible, so this wasn’t something that came out of the blue for us.

On arriving at the property it turned out that there wasn’t much tidying to do, which is great for us and allows us to get on with the job in hand, which is to get great images for the client. We hate it when we walk inside a house and think “Oh lord, just what are we going to do with this!”

To the rescue-7To the rescue-7

The shoot went off pretty straightforward and so it was then down to a bit of editing and getting the photographs ready to send to the vendor. As we mentioned before, time is often critical in property photography and so we agreed to deliver the final images later that afternoon. Using our “go to” program for this type of editing, Adobe Lightroom, the photographs were imported and edited to ensure that they were OK and then enhanced as appropriate. We always shoot in the camera’s “raw” format files and then export them to .jpg files for client use.

After this they were uploaded to a password protected gallery on our website for the client to download and use as needed.

To the rescue-9To the rescue-9

A few of the images are shown here for you to have a quick look at. Hopefully they will attract potential buyers to take an interest in the house and arrange a viewing. This is, after all, the main reason for getting great photographs. They are there to pique interest and get likely buyers through the front door to take a viewing of the house.

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Oh, if you like the look of them and are looking to move to a new house, it’s on the market right now. Just get in touch and we’ll connect you with the vendor………




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